# Federation API

The general contract is the openEO API (opens new window) in the latest stable version of the 1.x branch.

The aggregator that proxies the back-ends in the federation also implements the same API, but it also implements the "Federation Extension" (currently in draft state).

# Profiles

In addition to the general openEO API specification and their API Profiles (opens new window), openEO Platform requires to implement an additional API profile: LP: Required for openEO Platform, which requires the openEO profile L2: Recommended. The requirement to implement two of L1A, L1B, and L1C has been restricted for openEO Platform to always require L1A: Synchronous Processing and L1B: Batch Jobs (see req. no. 703). This means that L1C: Secondary Web Services is optional.

The hierarchy of openEO and openEO Platform API profiles.
An overview of the openEO and openEO Platform API profiles.

# LP: Required for openEO Platform

The profile only lists requirements that are not covered by the openEO profile L2: Recommended yet.

# API fundamentals

# Functionality Description
14 All > Billing Supports the openEO Platform credit system

# File Formats

# Functionality Description
45 GET /file_formats File format names and parameters aligned with openEO Platform as defined for the pre-defined file formats

# Other

# Functionality Description
90 GET /health Returns 2XX or 5XX http status code (without authentication)

# Auth

# Functionality Description
113 GET /credentials/oidc Supports EGI as identity provider (including tokens)
118 GET /credentials/oidc Supports the required entitlements of the vo.openeo.cloud virtual organization, especially the claim eduperson_entitlement

For more details about Authentication and Authorization, please see the corresponding chapters below.

# Pre-defined Processes

# Functionality Description
205 GET /processes > processes All processes are valid according to the specification (id, description, parameters, returns are required)
208 GET /processes > processes Processes are marked as experimental or deprecated if applicable

# Collections

# Functionality Description
311 GET /collections > collections Collections are marked as experimental or deprecated if applicable
324 GET /collections/{id} > id IDs follow the openEO Platform naming convention
327 GET /collections/{id} > providers Each collection needs to expose the backend offering the data

# Data Processing

# Functionality Description
703 Batch jobs and synchronous processing are implemented (secondary web services are optional)
704 Time after which batch job results get automatically deleted: 90 days or later
705 Time after which batch job metadata gets automatically deleted: 1 year or later

# Batch Jobs > Results

# Functionality Description
873 GET /jobs/{id}/results > public access link Default expiry time of the signed URLs for results: 7 days

# Synchronous Processing

# Functionality Description
920 POST /result > timeout The timeout for synchronous calls is: 5 minutes

# Authentication and authorization

This important aspect of the federation is standardized by the AARC Blueprint Architecture (opens new window). EGI Check-in is the concrete implementation that is currently in use.

# Authentication

The openEO platform federation standardizes on the use of EGI Check-in (opens new window) as identity provider. Backends have to support the use of openID connect + PKCE, to enable this and register a client with EGI Check-in.

# Authorization

# Entitlements

Users of the federation are organized under the 'vo.openeo.cloud' virtual organization in EGI Check-in. Inside the virtual organization, different roles can be assigned to a user, to indicate that they have a certain subscription, or even on a more fine-grained level are entitled to specific actions or resources. The mechanism to check this, is again supported by EGI Check-in, under the 'eduperson_entitlement' claim: https://docs.egi.eu/providers/check-in/sp/#claims (opens new window)

# Credits

The second criterium for authorization is based on credits that are available to a user. Credits allow the platform to limit the volume of data access and processing operations that a user can perform during a given time frame. The amount of available credits depends on the subscription. When the credit balance of a user goes below zero, processing operations can be blocked.

# Aggregator rules

Based on the subscription and available credits, the aggregator can implement these rules:

  1. Credit checks to block starting of batch jobs, synchronous requests to /result and viewing services.
  2. Rate limiting (TBD)

# Backend rules

Some authorization rules will need to be enforced by the backends themselves:

  1. Basic access and access to user specific resources based on subscription role.
  2. Number of concurrent batch jobs
  3. Available processing resources, batch job priorities
  4. Batch job result data volume
  5. Access to restricted collections
Last Updated: 12/30/2024, 11:00:53 AM